Linux Namespaces (part 2/5)
For a short presentation of the functioning of this NS, I will use the command chroot
. chroot
itself doesn't have anything to do with the namespaces (at least nothing I know of). Still, I hope that a short example of usage chroot
without and with mnt namespace will show possibilities of the namespaces itself.
Executing the first command makes the shell process started with the directory /directory
set as the main file system (in the context of only this new shell process):
$ chroot /directory
The above will work, but if it is to make sense (for this exercise) /directory
must include a basic file system with commands such as "ps" (and others) which we will use. How to prepare such a file system in a directory? In Debian, we can use a debootstrap, in other distributions you have to do it by yourself, or you have to omit using chroot
and just improvise a bit.
When the file system is ready, and we already have executed the chroot command, we can continue:
(chroot)$ ps ax
It turns out that the above will not work, so we must first mount /proc
(chroot)$ mount -t proc proc /proc
Now ps
works, however when we will have finished playing with chroot:
(chroot)$ exit
It will turn out that we must also clean up, because proc
in /directory/proc
is still mounted (we can check it by invoking the command mount
without any parameters or just by reviewing the content of /directory/proc
$ sudo umount /directory/proc
And now let’s try to make it simpler by using mnt namespace:
$ sudo unshare -m chroot /directory
Unshare is a command that lets us create a new NS (we will need the administrator’s rights, that is why we use sudo
). The command can start passed statement in a freshly created namespace(s). Let me remind: each process has an attributed id for each of the namespaces defined in the system. Here all of them except for NS "mnt" (-m
) will be inherited from the parent's process; however NS "mnt" will be defined especially for a given process, and currently, it will be used only by this process.
After a standard:
(unshare)$ mount -t proc proc /proc
We can check a few things:
(1) lsns
will show us a new namespace “mnt” attributed to our process of our new shell (we can check it through PID – echo $$
will display the process identifier - pid - of the shell)
(2) /proc
from within the chrooted environment will not be visible in the host system (mount
or ls /directory/proc
will not show us anything – our chrooted /proc
is mounted in another namespace and isolated from the "default" "mnt" NS
(3) Finishing work with chrooted shell will cause deleting a newly created NS (if no other process is using it) and automatically unmount the /proc
system mounted "inside" chroot.
However before we finish experimenting with chrobot and NS (point 3 above), I would like to present a third, and last, command which helps us working with namespaces — nsenter — this command lets us “connect” to any NS (or a group of NS). Let’s assume that we have the same situation as the one above, after executing the commands:
$ sudo unshare -m chroot /directory
(unshare)$ mount -t proc proc /proc
(unshare)$ echo $$
Now, in another terminal we execute the command:
$ sudo lsns
4026532373 mnt 1 1234 root /bin/bash -i
Let’s assume that we would like to “connect” to this “mnt” namespace with another shell process — for that purpose we could use the command nsenter
$ sudo nester –m –t 1234
And that’s it :) The shell process that will be started after the command will use the same “mnt” NS as the process 1234 — we can check it by, for instance, looking at the mounting points:
(nsetner)$ mount
proc on /.../directory/proc type proc (rw,relatime)
In this particular case (after executing the command nsenter
above) we are connected to NS, but we do not work in the chrooted environment – obviously it has consequences – I recommend experimenting with the above environments – that one created after the command unshare + chroot
and nsenter
And that’s all that I found interesting during my tests with “mnt” namespace — I hope you enjoyed it! Next week I will write a few words about three namespaces: utc, user and ipc.
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